Saturday, August 28, 2010

Plan-less..if that is even a word.

More often than not, things don't turn out the way you planned. You can plan out your life, plan out your month, or even your day and something always ends up changing. It's inevitable. Well I queen of planning, always had an agenda. I have had a plan for everything since I was in junior high. I did everything right. I finished school , got the scholarship, went to the college of my dreams, met some incredible people, majored in the area I had always been interested in, and graduated with a great GPA and hope for the future! Where do I stand? Now, I am plan-less. It seems funny sometimes when I think about myself and what I should be doing that I am not doing. I don't know where I lost my "plans" for the after college life, but something must be done. I always feel better when I have goals to reach and things to look forward to. I guess in junior high, that stopped at college graduation. But, now that I am a college graduate, I need something else to look forward to. So I am going to devise a plan of attack. Starting with saving money for a car. I need a purposeful budget plan. Bullet is going to fall apart. While I am doing this, I also need to be working on mending my relationships with certain people. I used to feel so carefree and alive, and it is probably just part of the growing up process, but I feel lifeless inside sometimes and that is never going to be ok with me! I have too much going for me and have come too far to let situations drag me down. So as I am working on my budget and mending my heart....what will you be working on?


  1. Calming the heck down! I am so stressed out about stuff I cannot control and I am trying really hard to get back to being that easy-going, non-worrier I once was. I can control very little in my life and that used to freak me out a lot less. So I'm trying to make time to practice relaxing more often.

  2. Gosh, no joke! What has happened to us elle?!
