Thursday, August 5, 2010

Happy isn't the word for it :)

Realization #4: Creating an outlet to express my anger is the best idea I've ever followed through with. Keeping up with this blog/writing is a stress reliever. Well, my stress level really cannot compare to some, but I am tense. Not today though...guess what happened?!?!?! I got a call to interview Monday. Now for the sake of everything good, I am going to keep this under wraps until I am hired or have decided to take that next step. I do not want to jenks it. I got the call today (3rd day of positive thinking) while at work and silently screamed in shock. It isn't like I could stand up in my chair, but I felt like pulling a Tom Cruise and pretending I was on Oprah. So what else to do but call my momma, my close friends, and run over to the other side of the office and high-five my co-workers who have been patiently listening to me gripe all summer. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face and it is just now... starting to slowly fade. Not because I am unhappy, just because I do not think I can smile for another minute or my face may break. I can use computer emotions : ) My parents took me out for a celebratory dinner which consisted of a huge chicken sandwich and a peach/strawberry sangria...courtesy of Outback Steakhouse. As I sat there sipping my wine (essentially), I thought to myself "Yeah, I am blessed."

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